We want to spread the message that being fit isn't about punishing ourselves with sad food and grinding on the treadmill until we burn out. Effort like this makes for great videos online, but aren't the ingredients for lasting change.
Through trial and error in our own lives, we know the key is adding small incremental positive habits. It's about the little changes that enable us to enjoy life MORE while discovering our healthier selves. This is why MOMO products are crafted to be accessible, foundational, and enjoyable. We strive to support the building and maintaining of lifelong habits that empower ourselves and those around us.
We base our formulations on the latest scientific research with quality ingredients we ourselves take and are confident giving to our families. As we continue to grow, we're committed to never selling products that only perpetuate misinformation (like weight loss pills) and have long term negative effects.
Let's make fitness more approachable for our community!

make fitness simple
We believe the best exercise is the movement you enjoy and can be consistent with. If we want the most bang for our buck, however, we recommend strength training. Building muscle this way is the key to most fitness goals (eg. weight loss, weight gain, longevity), improves our mobility, and has shown to significantly reduce risk of all-cause mortality.
Don't let all that movement go to waste; eating enough protein both maintains and grows our lean muscle.
We recommend eating 1g of protein per 1lb of your target bodyweight. We're big advocates of doing this through whole foods, but it can be hard (even for us) so we made products to help.
Quality sleep is an often overlooked pillar of fitness. Sleeping hours are when our bodies recover, detoxes the brain, and balances hormones - all of which are important for our overall physical and mental health. Plus, the pillars of Movement and Nutrition come easier when our sleep is in check.